New: Integrated overload protection system 

Safety first! Safety is the most important issue in material handling. To increase safety, all possible failures have to be eliminated. This includes operator mistakes.

We developed a new suction pad suspension which has an integrated safety release system and an overload protection system in ONE!

Overload protection system

The safety release system disables releasing during transport of the load. Releasing is only possible when the load is lowered to the ground or otherwise supported. The overload protection system offers an extra safety provision. If the load exceeds the maximum lifting capacity of one of the suction pads, the vacuum lifter gives an alarm. This way you get an alarm on every suction pad when you handle a load which is too heavy for the lifter.

Well divided weight

In case of handling with multiple suction pads, the load has to be divided equally over all suction pads. If not, one of the suction pads could be overloaded and no longer be able to lift its load. The overload alarming system gives an alarm if one of the suction pads is overloaded, so the operator can reposition the suction pad(s) before lifting. This system maximizes the safety of handling by vacuum.

Looking for more information about the possibilities? Feel free to contact us.